Sandwiches are great. I have no problem making a sandwich at home, plopping myself in front of the TV and then eating it (hopefully, with something interesting on, otherwise CTV Newsnet wins by default). The problem with sandwiches manifests when I pack them into a bag, put them in my backpack and bring them somewhere, 99% of time to school. By the time I get around to eating them, they are usually partially squished. I could, of course, carry them in some sort of hard container, but then I hate carrying around empty containers because they make my bag bulky. Bulky bags are a problem when you have to transfer 2-3 times on public transit. In summary, yellow mustard is a fantastic condiment.
I saw gas at a low of 90.9¢/litre and a high of 95.9¢/litre today.
What are Pointless Posts?
Get a hard plastic container. It wouldn't have to be that big to fit a sandwich. And if you can bring the sandwich TO school, you can bring it back FROM school (except there would be no sandwich. the container would be empty).
That's my advice :P
i like eating two sandwiches when possible (which is...99% of the time). i also forgot to mention that containers make my bag bulky when commuting to school (which is more difficult than commuting from school).
advice FAIL!
(but thanks for the suggestion)
Just go to burger king (even though I don't actually go there myself, I just find King Deals to be a term I have easy access to mentally!).
in the summer, i saw foldable plastic dishware at Canadian Tire. i guess ppl use it for camping. that could work.
oooh corey from ubc c4c has one of collapsible containers! it's sooo cool. and, stick it in one of those small ziploc containers.. they're small and very light once empty.
ricky - no bk at sfu. although i have gone to subway many times (sidenote - if i was a small business at cornerstone, i would hate subway)
jill - that soudns too fancy for me...
bernice - collapsible... hmmm i think we have a winner! it'll match my collapsible water bottle!
you have a collapsible water bottle?? sweeeet
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