Sunday, December 31, 2017

Dairy is dairy

In this last week of 2017, I consumed a lot of half and half (10% fat) and whipping cream (30% fat) at a 90% rate of personal satisfaction and 10% rate of shameful regret (hence this blog post).  I didn't plan to; it just happened (insert punchline and/or murder alibi here).  I didn't want either dairy product to go to waste, so I thought it was better for me to consume it.  And I did! :D :D :D

No Frills had a crazy sale on Christmas Eve where 500ml cartons of half and half were being sold for 10¢/each.  TEN CENTS EACH.  What a steal!  The caveat is that the best before date was Dec 25, but that didn't bother me.  It's on sale for ten cents!  I don't use creamer in my everyday life.  I don't even drink coffee regularly, but at 10 freaking cents?!?  Come on!  I bought one* litre's worth of half and half.  Happy birthday Jesus and happy birthday to me!

The whipping cream that came into my possession was an opened 1L carton from my sister who had needed it for a soup recipe.   Unfortunately for her, she only needed 250ml, but the store was only selling 1L size cartons.  She had all this leftover whipped cream and no more use for it.  I wasn't planning on making on cream soups or pastas in the next little bit, so the only rationale option was for me to whip it and eat it.

As my momentous, dare I say it, legen-dairy year comes to a close, I can confidently share these two lessons I've learned from ingesting all this creamalicious goodness and that is:

1. If you're making a milkshake and substitute half and half for the milk, the taste is marginal.  Actually no, it'll taste creamier and better than regular, dumb old 2% milk. 10/10 I'd do it again.

2. Beating (or in my case blending) 500ml of whipped cream into a nice, billowy glob and eating it is healthier than drinking 500ml of liquid whipped cream straight.  I mean, it's science.  It's lighter.

Goodbye old friend...
 *946ml give me a break

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

You should watch the smash holiday movie classic "Jingle All the Way"

It has nostalgia!  It has brilliant one-liners!  It has SINBAD!

While watching this movie late last night, I googled "get outta my way box" and was very pleased to see my favourite scene was uploaded on YouTube.  It's not the best quality, but the humour transcends it:

The clip ends too soon, but the way the other ornaments come over to look at their box-friend just kills me every time. Oh man, hahahahaha!