Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why I Had Long Hair

“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher;
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”

 Ecclesiastes: 1:2

That verse pretty much sums up why I had long hair and why I continued to grow it despite questioning and opposition from family and friends.  Their opinions amused me.  It’s my hair, why do they think they have the right to have any input of how I want to present myself (perhaps its because they will be the ones looking at me, haha)?  Also, having long hair is really fun to have.  It was something I’d always thought that would be really cool to have and then it dawned on me that I’d have to start somewhere.

It all started on December 25, 2010.  I was sitting around with family, talking after Christmas dinner and I realized that I was due for a haircut soon.  My usual routine would be to go and get a haircut when my hair was starting to look shaggy and/or bowl-like (typically 6 to 8 weeks) and my last one had been about seven weeks ago (Nov 4).  Two months was about the maximum time I could postpone getting a haircut before my own hair would annoy myself.

But while digesting turkey and other foods, I was talking to my sister about what potential styles I could do with my hair.  She suggested, as she always did whenever she knew I getting a haircut, that I should shave it all off.  But I remember looking at pictures of Hiroyuki Sanada from The Last Samurai, showing it to her, and I wondered to myself, could I pull that off?  Can I grow a mane so lush and manly that I too can look like a samurai returning from battle?  I was determined to find out.  My sister started to find more pictures of guys with long hair and was very supportive of my head covering endeavours.

And that’s pretty much why I started to grow my heart out.  As my hair became longer, different reasons developed as to why I would continue to grow it and also spur me on, but that’s for another post.

My inspiration:

And then me:

I laughed. You should too.  8^p

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