Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dragon Ball Z + Narcissistic Tim = Sad Geeky Little Boy

My hair was really long before I got a haircut this past week. So before that, I thought I'd do something fun, like pretend I'm from Dragon Ball Z. These are the results:

I wasn't thinking of doing a bunch of poses, I just wanted to get one good one, cause my hair actually looked great for once. Anyways, hope you had a good laugh. I did. It was funny. Hahaha. Not.
So much to do, so little time.

Saw gas for +125¢/litre yesterday. That price made it to be a topic on the news too.


Bernice said...

*rolls eyes*
I like the last one best ;)
I'm now. Officially. FREEEEE!!!! EXAMS ARE DONE! EXAMS ARE DONE! *bounce!*

Johnson said...

ur blog cracks me up
thanks for a good laugh

but in all seriousness, i like 2nd & 5th

actually, last one is good too.. u look like a dangerous psychopath there

J ^_^ said...

LOL!!!!! .. .indescribable!

enjoy your trip lah, Tim! heee heee.. =]

Lin said...

hehe cool pics ^^ thanks
stay safe in OEX and prayin:)

eD said...

You are on "No-Fly List" Now!!!

Paulman said...

Omgoodness, this is so awesome!