Sunday, January 15, 2012

Terrible New Layout


That word still makes me laugh, or at least break out into a smile. Also, I had (took?) one today.

AND in some exciting Tim-news, I changed the template of my blog so that it looks like I exist in the 21st century. If you're reading this in Google Reader or some other feeds aggregate, I strongly encourage you to check out the new look of the Terriblelands in the interest of being visually amazed!

You may ooooh and aaaah to your heart's content, but use your inside-your-head indoor voice only. Unless you are reading my blog out loud to a blind person. And if you are, I would like to meet this "reader." Hardy har har.

Crap, I'm rambling again.

Saw gas for 131¢/litre a few days ago and today I saw it for 123.9.

My apologies in advance for weird layouts, broken links and other errors as I make more site changes.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Very nice, Tim. I left Google Reader just to see your new layout. That's an accomplishment.