While carpooling with my neighbour one afternoon last month, she had to to make a detour to pick up her five year old son from daycare and I tagged along. He was super reluctant to leave because the daycare was right next to a school playground AND a park. It was a beautifully warm and sunny start to the evening and since no one was in a hurry to go anywhere, my neighbour allowed her son to play on the playground for a a few minutes before returning to the car And since I had all this pent up energy from sitting at a desk all day at work, I too took the opportunity to swing on the swing, climb the monkey bars, and zip down the slides. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Upon returning to the car, the little boy proceeded to beg his mom over and over again to invite me for dinner so that I would play with him after. After seeing me act like a giant kid on the playground, I think he didn't view me as an adult anymore.
It was funny.
A few weeks later I was again in the presence of some cool kids lesser my age. It was during a meal at my church leading up to the evening's Youth Alpha series we were running and somehow the discussion centered around cool apps on smartphones. Some of the teens tried to explain Instagram and elaborate on other apps that I'd never heard of and so when I responded, I started going off on this amazing biking app, Cyclometer, which I had just discovered during the week and was using to track my commute.
"All of the details of your ride are there. It doesn't just trace your route on a map, but it tracks your average speed, max speed, distance traveled, and even shows this cool little graph of the hills and elevation that you've cycled!" I exclaimed.
"....wow, you sound just like my dad when he first got his smartphone," one of the kids noted. I think he was about nineteen or twenty. He was not impressed.
Overall, I suppose it was funny.
But, seriously though, how cool is that bike app?! 8^D
Gas has still been in the low to mid 140s for a while, but I saw it for 135.9¢/litre today. GasBuddy is another one of my favourite apps. 8^D
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