Speaking of last night, our neighbourhood lost hydro (that's partly why it was so peaceful...). That was a bummer. I was really angry at first, mostly at the 1-888-POWERON phone number that you can use to report your outage, because I kept on getting a stupid recording that just looped me saying that I could call the number that I just dialed. I gave up. Tried to do homework by candlelight. Everyone went to sleep early. I called the number again before sleeping, was put on hold for 35 minutes (picture me in the dark, lying on the carpet, waiting on the phone, listening to lousy "on-hold" music), then was told we'd get our power back on by noon (they actually got it back by 7:30am, kudos to those hardworking electric hydro people!).
Anyways, I've learned not to be angry at situations like this (well, now that it's passed...pretty quickly too, so I don't have that much reason to whine), but to appreciate the basic need of electricity. Or wait, maybe it's the basic luxury of electricity. Either way, I'm very grateful. Got to go to sleep with sweatpants on. And "play" with fire and candles in the house as my Mom says. And got to hear that classes were cancelled at SFU today. Narf!
So......I'm off to reset all the clocks in the house and do some snow shoveling.
And just for fun, here's a new picture of Spider-Man:

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